Did Someone Say Update???

Been busy as you know what lately, so I thought I’d offer an update on all of the various projects I have going on right now…

The second edition of SHADOWS REMAIN is in the final stage of editing. The cover is finished (looks amazing) and I’m thrilled with the editing that has taken place. The text is not only better and reads smoother, but a few very cool aspects of the story have been slightly altered. We’re shooting for a mid to late April release. I should be able to narrow that down in the next week or two.

THE WINDING DOWN HOURS has finally found a publisher and I’m excited to say that editing has begun! This story is ten years in the making and I am so excited to finally be able to share it with the world. Updates on this one will be coming over the next few months, but all estimations point to a late autumn/early winter release. Fingers crossed…

Writing on the next horror novel is well underway and I would estimate it to be about 75% complete. But that’s only the first draft, so there’s still a long way to go before it’s time to submit. We’re getting there, though. Hope to have it ready for submission sometime late summer/early fall.

Oh, and there’s one more exciting bit of news to share, though I can’t speak of it yet. It’s something I’m pretty stoked about and will share as soon as I’m allowed. (Hopefully in the next month or two) So stay tuned…

‘Til next time, my friends…