Did You Know?

The characters of Luke and Garrett from my book, Bone White, are very much based on myself and my friend, Rick, when we were in high school? Many of the aspects of the two are actual characteristics of us back then, from the love of fishing, to Garrett’s (Rick’s) blue Chevy truck, all the way down to the small 14′ aluminum boat that becomes disabled while they are on the lake. (And yes, that really happened, too.) One of their friends, Claire, is also based on someone from my past. The location where the story takes place actually exists, from the lake, to the deserted road and driveway.  There are other aspects of the story that are personal to me, but to say any more here might ruin the story for those who haven’t read it yet.  If you have any questions about the book, feel free to contact me through email or Facebook!